Rapid Prototyping Services

An introduction to rapid prototyping and how it can speed up the production of your concept

Transform your concepts into tangible products quickly and efficiently. Our rapid prototyping services utilise state-of-the-art technology and materials to deliver high-quality prototypes in a fraction of the time traditional methods require.

Don’t Let the Competition Pass You By

Waiting for a physical prototype to be manufactured can delay the entire process, and in the fast-paced world of product development, delays can mean missed opportunities.

Turn your ideas into fully-functional prototypes in less time with rapid prototyping. Our streamlined testing process uses state-of-the-art equipment, allowing you to get your product to market faster than ever before.

What Our Prototyping Process Involves

Design 2 Market’s prototyping process typically involves a series of progressively more detailed and refined prototypes to test and validate different aspects of a product or design.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes

Low-fidelity prototypes are hand-drawn or basic CAD models for exploring design options and identifying issues. They test basic concepts and gather feedback from stakeholders.

Medium-Fidelity Prototypes

Medium-fidelity prototypes are more detailed and include basic functionality or interactivity. They test user flows and interactions and provide a realistic sense of the final product.

High-Fidelity Prototype

High-fidelity prototypes are very close to the final product and typically utilise animations, interactions and realistic data. They are used to test and validate the final design and get feedback from stakeholders and potential users before production.



Benefits of Rapid Prototyping

  • Rapid prototyping offers several benefits in product development, including:
  • Faster product development cycles
  • Ability to test and refine designs quickly and inexpensively
  • Reduced costs and risks associated with traditional manufacturing processes
  • Improved collaboration and communication between stakeholders
  • Early identification of design flaws
  • Improved product functionality and aesthetics
  • Increased likelihood of creating a successful final product

Why Choose Design 2 Market

D2M’s prototyping process is iterative, meaning that each prototype informs the development of the next prototype.

The process involves multiple rounds of feedback and refinement, with the goal of creating a final product that meets user needs and expectations.

By testing and validating different aspects of the product or design at each stage, D2M can ensure that the final product is ready for production and can be brought to market successfully.

Revolutionise Product Development

Get ahead of the competition and design products customers will love faster. Contact Design 2 Market to see how we can streamline your product development process.


Let us help you bring your new product to market.

If you’re looking to develop a new product or re-design an existing range but lack the in-house capacity or expertise to make it a reality, get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements. 

product design team
From idea

to successful


All the resources you will need:

Bonus 40min extended case-study video!