Designing Products with ChatGPT and Midjourney

An AI robot thinking about product design

Let’s delve into the cutting-edge intersection of AI and product design. At D2M, our journey has been marked by over two decades of innovation, creativity, and collaboration, including notable partnerships with retail giants like John Lewis.

Our focus has shifted towards integrating AI technologies like ChatGPT and Midjourney into product design. Inspired by our insights and experiences, this article is complemented by an enlightening video that forms its backbone, offering a glimpse into how AI is revolutionising how we conceive and develop new products: AI Product Design | Designing Products with ChatGPT and Midjourney – How to Guide

Join us as we navigate this exciting new landscape, merging the realms of AI with our expertise in product design.

How D2M Utilises AI in Design Processes

Our methodology involves sophisticated tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney. By crafting specific prompts and employing AI, we can generate diverse concepts. This strategy is not just about efficiency; it’s about augmenting our creativity, leading to innovative and unique design solutions.

For example, in designing a child’s nightlight, our process begins with MidJourney. We input creative prompts, analyse the outcomes, and refine the effective prompts using ChatGPT. This method transforms initial concepts into more innovative designs.

The Power of MidJourney in Conceptualization

MidJourney can be instrumental in the early stages of our design process. This sophisticated AI tool specialises in transforming abstract concepts into concrete visual representations, making it a valuable asset for initial ideation and conceptualisation.

  • Visualising Ideas: When we begin a project, such as designing a child’s nightlight, MidJourney acts as a catalyst for creativity. By inputting creative prompts into MidJourney, we can quickly generate various visual concepts. This tool interprets our prompts and returns with diverse visual representations, providing a tangible form to abstract ideas.
  • Inspiration and Exploration: MidJourney’s strength lies in its ability to explore various design styles and elements. Whether looking for something contemporary, whimsical, or futuristic, MidJourney can traverse various design landscapes, offering us many options to explore. This breadth of exploration is invaluable in pushing the boundaries of conventional design.
  • Rapid Iteration and Refinement: One of the standout features of MidJourney is its capability for fast iteration. We can tweak and adjust our prompts to refine the outputs, allowing us to iterate on the initial concepts quickly. This agility in refining ideas ensures a more dynamic and responsive design process.

Harnessing Chaos in AI-Driven Design

A unique aspect of our AI design process is adjusting the ‘chaos’ level in our prompts. Higher chaos settings yield more radical, unconventional concepts, whereas lower settings produce more standard designs. This approach ensures a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.

Understanding Chaos Settings

The Spectrum of Chaos: The chaos setting acts as a dial, controlling the level of creative freedom the AI takes with our prompts. At lower settings, the AI produces designs that are more aligned with conventional patterns and expectations – these are safer, more familiar concepts. As we increase the chaos level, the AI diverges from the norm, presenting us with increasingly unconventional and innovative designs.

Balancing Creativity and Practicality: The lower end of the chaos spectrum is useful when working on projects requiring adherence to established design norms or when the client prefers a conservative approach. Higher chaos levels are ideal for projects where the brief calls for groundbreaking, avant-garde concepts or when we aim to disrupt the market with something entirely new.

Leveraging High Chaos for Breakthrough Ideas

  • Exploring Uncharted Territories: High chaos settings are akin to brainstorming sessions with no boundaries. They allow our designers to step outside the box, exploring ideas that wouldn’t emerge in a conventional design process. This can be particularly valuable in early-stage ideation, where the goal is to generate many possibilities without immediate constraints.
  • Inspiring Radical Innovations: Sometimes, a design challenge requires us to break away from the status quo. High chaos prompts can lead to designs that challenge current market trends, user perceptions, or even our preconceptions about what a product can be. This is where true innovation can occur.

Utilising Low Chaos for Refined Concepts

  • Fine-tuning Ideas: On the other end of the spectrum, low chaos settings help us refine and fine-tune ideas. When a concept starts to take a more definite shape, reducing the chaos helps in honing the details and aligning the design more closely with practical considerations and client specifications.
  • Client Presentations and Finalisations: When preparing concepts for client presentations or moving towards finalising a design, lower chaos settings ensure that the outputs are polished, realistic, and aligned with the project’s objectives.

The Art of Finding the Right Balance

The choice of chaos level is not random but a strategic decision made by our team. It depends on various factors, including the project scope, client preferences, market trends, and the specific goals of the design brief.

Often, our design process involves iterating through different chaos levels. We may start with high chaos to generate a wide range of ideas and then gradually lower the chaos to refine the concepts. This iterative approach thoroughly explores creative possibilities, leading to well-rounded and innovative product designs.


One of the most significant benefits of integrating AI at D2M is the remarkable acceleration of the initial design phases. Tasks that traditionally required extensive time can now be completed much faster, from mood board creation to sketch generation. This acceleration is about speed and enriching the depth and breadth of our creative explorations.

The ability of AI to rapidly process and generate diverse design options allows our team to explore a more comprehensive array of ideas and concepts in the same amount of time, leading to more innovative and well-thought-out designs.

Moreover, AI’s capacity to quickly adapt to changes in design briefs or client feedback significantly enhances our responsiveness. We can make adjustments and present new iterations in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods. This agility is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced market, where rapidly evolving designs based on the latest trends or feedback can be a competitive advantage.

While AI greatly aids in these early stages, the essential input of our skilled product designers remains pivotal, especially in ensuring the practicality and manufacturability of the designs. Our designers bring a critical human touch to the process, interpreting AI-generated concepts with a keen understanding of functional design, user experience, and market viability. They can evaluate the feasibility of AI-generated ideas, integrating their expertise to transform these concepts into viable, market-ready products.

Furthermore, this blend of AI-driven speed and human expertise allows us to engage more effectively with our clients. We can present concepts quickly, gather feedback, and iterate on designs in real-time, fostering a more collaborative and dynamic relationship with our clients.

This symbiotic relationship between AI efficiency and human creativity sets D2M apart, enabling us to deliver innovative, practical, and aesthetically pleasing product designs that genuinely meet the needs and aspirations of our clients.

AI in Design: Beyond Initial Conceptualisation

While AI is a game-changer in the conceptual phase, it’s essential to recognise that it’s not a standalone solution for creating production-ready designs. Its primary strength lies in its ability to quickly establish a design brief that aligns with the client’s vision and style preferences. This early alignment is crucial in setting a solid foundation for the subsequent design and development stages.

Though less direct than conceptualisation, AI’s role in the later design development stages is still significant. For instance, AI tools are invaluable for creating contextual images that help visualise products in real-world scenarios. These visualisations are essential for our design team and clients to understand how the product would interact with its intended environment, offering insights that can influence final design decisions.

Furthermore, AI assists greatly in drafting product descriptions and client communications. It can generate comprehensive and articulate descriptions highlighting a product’s unique features and benefits, aiding in marketing and client presentations. This capability ensures consistent and effective communication of the product’s value proposition, critical in client relations and marketing strategies.

While AI’s most visible impact is in the initial stages of design conceptualisation, its contributions extend throughout the entire design process at D2M. By augmenting human expertise with AI’s data processing and visualisation capabilities, we ensure that our designs are creative, innovative and grounded in practicality and market viability.

The Role of AI in Enhancing Product Design

At D2M, we firmly believe that AI will not replace product designers. Instead, it serves as a powerful tool that, when wielded effectively, can significantly enhance a designer’s capability.

This approach is crucial for staying competitive and employable in the rapidly evolving design landscape.

Efficiency and Speed

AI’s capability to handle large-scale data analysis and repetitive tasks is a game-changer in product design. This efficiency manifests in several key areas:

  • Rapid Conceptualisation: AI algorithms can quickly generate diverse design concepts based on specified criteria. This rapid conceptualisation allows our designers to explore a broader range of ideas in a shorter time frame, accelerating the creative process from initial ideation to final design.
  • Automated Design Tasks: Many elements of design, such as pattern creation, layout adjustments, and optimising component design, can be time-consuming when done manually. AI tools can automate these tasks, freeing our designers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of product development.
  • Prototyping and Testing: AI-driven simulations and virtual prototyping enable us to test and refine component design efficiently. We can assess a product’s durability, and strength before it reaches the physical prototyping stage, significantly reducing development time and costs.
  • Customisation at Scale: With AI, customising designs for different markets or individual clients doesn’t require starting from scratch each time. In some cases, AI can quickly adapt existing designs to new specifications, making personalised designs more accessible and less resource-intensive.


In conclusion, our journey with AI at D2M has transformed how we approach the initial stages of product design. It enables us to present more refined ideas efficiently, setting a solid foundation for the following intricate design work.


How Is AI Transforming the Initial Stages of Product Design?

AI is revolutionising the initial phases of product design by enabling rapid conceptualisation and iteration. Tools like AI-driven sketch generators and mood board creators help designers quickly explore various design possibilities, significantly reducing the time traditionally required for these tasks.

Can AI Replace Human Product Designers?

AI cannot replace human product designers. Instead, it acts as a complementary tool that enhances their capabilities. AI excels at handling data-intensive tasks and generating creative concepts, but human designers’ nuanced understanding, judgment, and experience are irreplaceable, especially for making critical design decisions.

What Does the ‘Chaos’ Setting in AI-Driven Design Tools Do?

The ‘chaos’ setting in AI-driven design tools adjusts unpredictability and novelty in the design outputs. Lower chaos settings yield more predictable, standard designs, while higher settings encourage the generation of unique, unconventional concepts, allowing designers to explore a broader range of creative ideas.

How Does AI Enhance Creativity and Efficiency in Product Design?

AI enhances creativity in product design by providing designers with novel and diverse conceptual possibilities, pushing the boundaries of traditional design thinking. Regarding efficiency, AI automates routine tasks and speeds up the design process, allowing designers to focus more on innovation and less on manual, time-consuming design aspects.

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